All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary Class Description AABB AccountHashChanged AccountType Deprecated. Actor Represents a RuneScape actor/entity.ActorDeath An event fired when an actor dies.ActorSpotAnim AmbientSoundEffect An ambient sound effect.AmbientSoundEffectCreated An event fired when an ambient sound effect is created.Angle Represents an in-game orientation that uses fixed point arithmetic.Animation Represents an animation of a renderableAnimationChanged An event where theActor
has changed animations.AnimationController AnimationID Utility class used for mapping animation IDs.AreaSoundEffectPlayed BeforeMenuRender BeforeRender Posted at the start of every frameBufferProvider Represents an engine graphic buffer.Callbacks Interface of callbacks the injected client uses to send eventsCanvasSizeChanged An event posted when the canvas size might have changed.ChatLineBuffer Represents the buffer containing all messages in the chatbox.ChatMessage An event where a new chat message is received.ChatMessageType Enumeration of message types that can be received in the chat.ChatPlayer Represents a player in the chat.ClanChannel A clan channel.ClanChannelChanged An event fired when the local player joins or leaves a clan channel.ClanChannelMember A member of a clan channelClanID ClanMember A member of a clan.ClanMemberJoined An event when a clan member joins a clan channel.ClanMemberLeft An event when a clan member leaves a channel.ClanRank A rank in a clan.ClanSettings A clan's settings.ClanTitle A clan title, such as Owner, Administrator, Anchor, etc.Client Represents the RuneScape client.ClientTick Posted every client tick (20ms).CollisionData Represents tile collision data for the sceneCollisionDataFlag A utility class containing collision data flags for tiles.ColorTextureOverride Represents overridden color/texture replacements for an item.CommandExecuted An event where a command has been used in the chat.Component ComponentID Constants A utility class containing constant values.DBRowConfig DBTableID DBTableID.Quest DecorativeObject Represents a decorative object, such as an object on a wall.DecorativeObjectDespawned An event where theDecorativeObject
attached to aTile
is removed.DecorativeObjectSpawned An event where aDecorativeObject
is attached to aTile
.Deque<T> A doubly linked listDirection Represents the four main cardinal points.DraggingWidgetChanged Called every game cycle the client is dragging a widget on the cursor.DrawCallbacks DynamicObject An animated objectEnumComposition EnumID Utility class used for mapping enum IDs.EquipmentInventorySlot An enumeration of equipment slots in the inventoryItemContainer
.Experience A utility class used for calculating experience related values.FakeXpDrop FloatProjection FocusChanged An event where the focus state of the client changes.FontID IDs of fonts in the cacheFontTypeFace A bitmap Font in Jagex's formatFriend Represents a player in the friends list.FriendContainer A nameable container of friendsFriendsChatChanged An event where the client has joined or left a friends chat.FriendsChatManager FriendsChatMember Represents a friends chat member.FriendsChatMemberJoined FriendsChatMemberLeft FriendsChatRank An enumeration of ranks of friends chat members.GameEngine Represents the client game engine.GameObject Represents a game object.GameObjectDespawned An event where aGameObject
on aTile
is removed.GameObjectSpawned An event where aGameObject
is added to aTile
.GameState An enumeration of game states the client is in.GameStateChanged An event where the clients game state has changed.GameTick An event called once every game tick, after all packets have processed.Geometry GrandExchangeOffer Represents an offer in a grand exchange slot.GrandExchangeOfferChanged An event where aGrandExchangeOffer
has been updated with new information.GrandExchangeOfferState Describes the state of a Grand Exchange offer.GrandExchangeSearched An event where the Grand Exchange has been searched.GraphicChanged An event where the graphic of anActor
has changed.GraphicID GraphicsObject Represents a graphics object/spotanim.GraphicsObjectCreated An event where a newGraphicsObject
has been created.GroundObject Represents an object on the ground of a tile.GroundObjectDespawned An event where aGroundObject
on aTile
has been removed.GroundObjectSpawned An event where aGroundObject
is added to aTile
.HashTable<T extends Node> A data structure that uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets from which node objects can be quickly obtained.HeadIcon An enumeration of prayer icons above the head.HealthBarConfig HintArrowType Hint arrow types.Hitsplat A hitsplat that has been applied to anActor
.HitsplatApplied HitsplatID HitsplatType IconID Enum of all official icons that Jagex uses in chat.Ignore An entry on the ignore list.IndexDataBase Represents an index in the cacheIndexedObjectSet<T> IndexedSprite Represents an paletted sprite.InputType An enumeration of input types forVarClientInt.INPUT_TYPE
.InstanceTemplates An enumeration of possible instance templates and the area they occupy.IntegerNode Represents an integer typically in aHashTable
.InteractingChanged An event called when the actor an actor is interacting with changesInterface InterfaceID IntProjection InventoryID An enumeration of possible inventory types.Item ItemComposition Represents the template of a specific item type.ItemContainer Represents an inventory that contains items.ItemContainerChanged An event called whenever the stack size of anItem
in anItemContainer
is modified.ItemDespawned Called when an item pile despawns from the ground.ItemID ItemLayer Represents a pile of items held by a tile.ItemQuantityChanged Called when the quantity of an item pile changes.ItemQuantityMode Utility class mapping Widget ItemQuantityMode valuesItemSpawned Called when an item pile spawns on the ground.IterableHashTable<T extends Node> JagexColor Jarvis Provides utility methods for computing the convex hull of a list of n points.JavaScriptCallback An object that can be set as the first argument to aWidget
listener to handle ScriptEvents with Java code, rather than cs2.KeyCode Jagex key codesKitType Represents an equipment slot in a players composition.LocalPoint A two-dimensional point in the local coordinate space.MainBufferProvider Represents the clients primary image buffer.MapElementConfig Represents configuration for a map elementMenu The client minimenu.MenuAction An enumeration of right-click menu actions.MenuEntry A menu entry in a right-click menu.MenuEntryAdded An event when a new entry is added to a right-click menu.MenuOpened An event where a menu has been opened.MenuOptionClicked An event where a menu option has been clicked.MenuShouldLeftClick Event called when the client is checking if the menu should be opened on left click.Mesh<T extends Mesh<T>> MessageNode Represents a message in the chatbox.MidiRequest Model Represents the model of an object.ModelData An unlit modelNameable Represents a chat entity that has a name.NameableContainer<T extends Nameable> NameableNameChanged An event where aNameable
has had their name changed.Node Represents a doubly linked node.NodeCache Represents a doubly linked node cache.NPC Represents a non-player character in the game.NpcChanged Fires after the composition of anNPC
changes.NPCComposition Information about a specificNpcID
NpcDespawned An event where anNPC
has despawned.NpcID NpcOverrides Dynamically applied NPC effectsNpcSpawned An event where anNPC
has spawned.NullItemID NullNpcID NullObjectID OAuthApi ObjectComposition Information about a specificObjectID
ObjectID OverheadTextChanged Event fired when an actors overhead text is changed.OverlayIndex PacketBuffer ParamHolder A composition that can hold `param` keys.ParamID PendingLogin A pending friend login/out.Perspective A utility class containing methods to help with conversion between in-game features to canvas areas.Player Represents a player entity in the game.PlayerChanged PlayerComposition Represents the template of a player.PlayerDespawned An event where aPlayer
has despawned.PlayerMenuOptionsChanged PlayerSpawned An event where aPlayer
has spawned.Point A two-dimensional coordinate on the canvas.PostAnimation An event posted when anAnimation
is loadedPostClientTick Posted at the end of each client tick (20ms)PostHealthBarConfig PostItemComposition An event called after a newItemComposition
is created and its data is initialized.PostMenuSort Posted after the menu is sorted, but before clicks are processed.PostObjectComposition An event called after a newObjectComposition
is created and its data is initialized.PostStructComposition An event called after a newStructComposition
is created and its data is initialized.Prayer An enumeration of prayers.Preferences Stores the clients persisting preferences.PreMapLoad This event is run from the maploader thread prior to the map load completing.Projectile Represents a projectile entity.ProjectileMoved An event called whenever aProjectile
has moved towards a point.Projection Quest QuestState Rasterizer Jagex 2D and 3D drawing utilities.RectangleUnion RectangleUnion.Rectangle RemovedFriend An event trigger when a player is removed from the friend or ignore list.Renderable Represents an object that can be rendered.RenderOverview Deprecated. ResizeableChanged An event where the game has changed from fixed to resizable mode or vice versa.RuneLiteObject RuneLiteObjectController Scene Represents a 3D sceneSceneTileModel Represents the model of a tile in the current scene.SceneTilePaint Represents the paint of a tile in the current scene.Script ScriptCallbackEvent A callback from a runelite_callback opcode in a cs2ScriptEvent ScriptID ScriptPostFired An event that is fired after the designated script is ranScriptPreFired An event that is fired before the designated script is ranSettingID Shapes<T extends Shape> SimplePolygon A simple list of vertices that can be append or prepended toSkill An enumeration of skills that a player can level.SkullIcon An enumeration of PK skulls.SoundEffectID Utility class used for mapping sound effect IDs.SoundEffectPlayed SoundEffectVolume Volume values for each of the stops on the volume interfaceSpriteID SpritePixels Represents data about the pixels of a sprite image.StatChanged An event where the experience, level, or boosted level of aSkill
has been modified.StructComposition A config type dedicated to holding params.StructID Texture TextureProvider Tile Represents a tile in the game.TileFunction TileItem Represents an item inside anItemLayer
.TileObject Represents an object on a TileUsernameChanged An event where the username the client will log in with has changed.Varbit VarbitChanged An event when a varbit or varplayer has changed.VarbitComposition Varbits Server controlled "content-developer" integers.VarCInt VarClientInt Client side only, content-developer integers VarCInts are stored entirely in memory, or locally on a user's machine in the preferences2.dat file depending on how Jagex configured the variableVarClientIntChanged VarClientStr Client side only, content-developer strings VarCInts are stored entirely in memory, or locally on a user's machine in the preferences2.dat file depending on how Jagex configured the variableVarClientStrChanged VarCStr Varp VarPlayer Server controlled "content-developer" integers.VisibleForDevtools Used to indicate a method is only visible for devtoolsVisibleForExternalPlugins Used to indicate a method is only visible for external pluginsVolumeChanged VolumeChanged.Type WallObject Represents one or two walls on a tileWallObjectDespawned An event where aWallObject
on aTile
has been removed.WallObjectSpawned An event where aWallObject
is added to aTile
.Widget Represents an on-screen UI element that is drawn on the canvas.WidgetClosed Posted when an interface is about to be closedWidgetConfig Utility class used for defining options to be used on the click mask of aWidget
.WidgetID Deprecated. WidgetInfo Deprecated. WidgetItem An item that is being represented in aWidget
.WidgetLoaded An event where aWidget
has been loaded.WidgetModalMode WidgetModelType WidgetNode Represents a widget as an iterable node.WidgetPositionMode WidgetSizeMode WidgetTextAlignment WidgetType WidgetUtil World Holds data of a RuneScape world.WorldArea Represents an area on the world.WorldChanged Posted when the game world the client wants to connect to has changed.WorldEntity WorldListLoad Event when the world list is loaded for the world switcherWorldMap Represents the World MapWorldMapData Represents data for a worldmap surfaceWorldMapData Deprecated. WorldMapIcon WorldMapRegion WorldMapRenderer Renderer for the current worldmap map.WorldPoint A three-dimensional point representing the coordinate of a Tile.WorldType An enumeration of possible world types.WorldView