Class RuneLiteObjectController

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class RuneLiteObjectController
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • RuneLiteObjectController

        public RuneLiteObjectController()
    • Method Detail

      • setLocation

        public void setLocation​(LocalPoint point,
                                int level)
        Sets the location in the scene for the RuneLiteObjectController
      • tick

        public void tick​(int ticksSinceLastFrame)
        Called every frame the RuneLiteObject is registered and in the scene
        ticksSinceLastFrame - The number of client ticks since the last frame
      • getModel

        public abstract Model getModel()
        Called every frame to get a model to render. The returned model is not modified and can be a shared model.
      • getX

        public int getX()
      • getY

        public int getY()
      • getZ

        public int getZ()
      • getWorldView

        public int getWorldView()
      • getLevel

        public int getLevel()
      • getRadius

        public int getRadius()
        The radius is offset from the object position to form a 2d rectangle, and the tiles the corners are in are used to determine the min and max scene x/y the object is on. These tiles are then drawn first prior to the object being drawn, so that the object renders correctly over top of each tile. The default radius is 60, marginally less than 128/2, which works well for models the size of a single tile.
      • isDrawFrontTilesFirst

        public boolean isDrawFrontTilesFirst()
        If true, the rectangle computed from the radius has 1 or 2 of its sides expanded by a full tile based on the orientation the object is facing. This causes the tiles the object is facing to be drawn first, even if the radius of the object would not place the object on that tile. The default is false.
      • getOrientation

        public int getOrientation()
        The object orientation
        See Also:
      • setX

        public void setX​(int x)
      • setY

        public void setY​(int y)
      • setZ

        public void setZ​(int z)
      • setWorldView

        public void setWorldView​(int worldView)
      • setLevel

        public void setLevel​(int level)
      • setRadius

        public void setRadius​(int radius)
        The radius is offset from the object position to form a 2d rectangle, and the tiles the corners are in are used to determine the min and max scene x/y the object is on. These tiles are then drawn first prior to the object being drawn, so that the object renders correctly over top of each tile. The default radius is 60, marginally less than 128/2, which works well for models the size of a single tile.
      • setDrawFrontTilesFirst

        public void setDrawFrontTilesFirst​(boolean drawFrontTilesFirst)
        If true, the rectangle computed from the radius has 1 or 2 of its sides expanded by a full tile based on the orientation the object is facing. This causes the tiles the object is facing to be drawn first, even if the radius of the object would not place the object on that tile. The default is false.
      • setOrientation

        public void setOrientation​(int orientation)
        The object orientation
        See Also: