Class WorldMapPoint

  • public class WorldMapPoint
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • onEdgeSnap

        public void onEdgeSnap()
      • onEdgeUnsnap

        public void onEdgeUnsnap()
      • getWorldPoint

        public WorldPoint getWorldPoint()
      • getTarget

        public WorldPoint getTarget()
        The WorldPoint which the worldmap will jump to when clicked
      • getImagePoint

        public Point getImagePoint()
        The point on the image that will be drawn at WorldPoint WorldMapPointManager will center the image if imagePoint is null
      • isSnapToEdge

        public boolean isSnapToEdge()
      • isCurrentlyEdgeSnapped

        public boolean isCurrentlyEdgeSnapped()
      • isJumpOnClick

        public boolean isJumpOnClick()
        Whether or not the map jumps to target, or worldPoint when the overlay is clicked
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Name in menu option when jumpOnClick is set
      • getTooltip

        public String getTooltip()
      • setWorldPoint

        public void setWorldPoint​(WorldPoint worldPoint)
      • setTarget

        public void setTarget​(@Nullable
                              WorldPoint target)
        The WorldPoint which the worldmap will jump to when clicked
      • setImagePoint

        public void setImagePoint​(Point imagePoint)
        The point on the image that will be drawn at WorldPoint WorldMapPointManager will center the image if imagePoint is null
      • setSnapToEdge

        public void setSnapToEdge​(boolean snapToEdge)
      • setCurrentlyEdgeSnapped

        public void setCurrentlyEdgeSnapped​(boolean currentlyEdgeSnapped)
      • setJumpOnClick

        public void setJumpOnClick​(boolean jumpOnClick)
        Whether or not the map jumps to target, or worldPoint when the overlay is clicked
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Name in menu option when jumpOnClick is set
      • setTooltip

        public void setTooltip​(String tooltip)
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object