Interface Animation

  • public interface Animation
    Represents an animation of a renderable
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        int getId()
        Get the id for this animation
        See Also:
      • isMayaAnim

        boolean isMayaAnim()
        Is this animation a newer-style "maya" animation
      • getNumFrames

        int getNumFrames()
        Get how many distinct frames this animation has. For animaya animations, this is the duration in client ticks. For classic animations, this is how many keyframes it has, not it's duration in ticks.
      • getRestartMode

        int getRestartMode()
        How this animation behaves when its restarted during playback
      • setRestartMode

        void setRestartMode​(int restartMode)
        See Also:
      • getDuration

        int getDuration()
        How many frames the animation lasts
      • getFrameStep

        int getFrameStep()
        How many frames to go back when looping
      • getFrameLengths

        int[] getFrameLengths()
        How many ticks each frame is. null for isMayaAnim() animations