Class MenuEntryAdded

  • public class MenuEntryAdded
    extends Object
    An event when a new entry is added to a right-click menu.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MenuEntryAdded

        public MenuEntryAdded​(MenuEntry menuEntry)
    • Method Detail

      • getOption

        public String getOption()
        The option text added to the menu. (ie. "Walk here", "Use")
      • getTarget

        public String getTarget()
        The target of the action. (ie. Item or Actor name)

        If the option does not apply to any target, this field will be set to empty string.

      • getType

        public int getType()
        The action type that will be triggered.
      • getIdentifier

        public int getIdentifier()
        An identifier value for the target of the action
      • getActionParam0

        public int getActionParam0()
        An additional parameter for the action.
      • getActionParam1

        public int getActionParam1()
        A second additional parameter for the action.
      • getItemId

        public int getItemId()
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getMenuEntry

        public MenuEntry getMenuEntry()