AccountHashChanged |
ActorDeath |
An event fired when an actor dies.
AmbientSoundEffectCreated |
An event fired when an ambient sound effect is created.
AnimationChanged |
An event where the Actor has changed animations.
AreaSoundEffectPlayed |
BeforeMenuRender |
BeforeRender |
Posted at the start of every frame
CanvasSizeChanged |
An event posted when the canvas size might have changed.
ChatMessage |
An event where a new chat message is received.
ClanChannelChanged |
An event fired when the local player joins or leaves a clan channel.
ClanMemberJoined |
An event when a clan member joins a clan channel.
ClanMemberLeft |
An event when a clan member leaves a channel.
ClientTick |
Posted every client tick (20ms).
CommandExecuted |
An event where a command has been used in the chat.
DecorativeObjectDespawned |
DecorativeObjectSpawned |
DraggingWidgetChanged |
Called every game cycle the client is dragging a widget on
the cursor.
FakeXpDrop |
FocusChanged |
An event where the focus state of the client changes.
FriendsChatChanged |
An event where the client has joined or left a friends chat.
FriendsChatMemberJoined |
FriendsChatMemberLeft |
GameObjectDespawned |
GameObjectSpawned |
GameStateChanged |
An event where the clients game state has changed.
GameTick |
An event called once every game tick, after all packets have processed.
GrandExchangeOfferChanged |
GrandExchangeSearched |
An event where the Grand Exchange has been searched.
GraphicChanged |
An event where the graphic of an Actor has changed.
GraphicsObjectCreated |
GroundObjectDespawned |
GroundObjectSpawned |
HitsplatApplied |
InteractingChanged |
An event called when the actor an actor is interacting with changes
ItemContainerChanged |
ItemDespawned |
Called when an item pile despawns from the ground.
ItemQuantityChanged |
Called when the quantity of an item pile changes.
ItemSpawned |
Called when an item pile spawns on the ground.
MenuEntryAdded |
An event when a new entry is added to a right-click menu.
MenuOpened |
An event where a menu has been opened.
MenuOptionClicked |
An event where a menu option has been clicked.
MenuShouldLeftClick |
Event called when the client is checking if the menu should be
opened on left click.
NameableNameChanged |
An event where a Nameable has had their name changed.
NpcChanged |
Fires after the composition of an NPC changes.
NpcDespawned |
An event where an NPC has despawned.
NpcSpawned |
An event where an NPC has spawned.
OverheadTextChanged |
Event fired when an actors overhead text is changed.
PlayerChanged |
PlayerDespawned |
An event where a Player has despawned.
PlayerMenuOptionsChanged |
PlayerSpawned |
An event where a Player has spawned.
PostAnimation |
PostClientTick |
Posted at the end of each client tick (20ms)
PostHealthBarConfig |
PostItemComposition |
An event called after a new ItemComposition is created and
its data is initialized.
PostMenuSort |
Posted after the menu is sorted, but before clicks are processed.
PostObjectComposition |
An event called after a new ObjectComposition is created and
its data is initialized.
PostStructComposition |
An event called after a new StructComposition is created and
its data is initialized.
PreMapLoad |
This event is run from the maploader thread prior to the map load completing.
ProjectileMoved |
An event called whenever a Projectile has moved towards a point.
RemovedFriend |
An event trigger when a player is removed from the friend or ignore list.
ResizeableChanged |
An event where the game has changed from fixed to resizable mode or vice versa.
ScriptCallbackEvent |
A callback from a runelite_callback opcode in a cs2
ScriptPostFired |
An event that is fired after the designated script is ran
ScriptPreFired |
An event that is fired before the designated script is ran
SoundEffectPlayed |
StatChanged |
An event where the experience, level, or boosted level of a Skill has been modified.
UsernameChanged |
An event where the username the client will log in with has changed.
VarbitChanged |
An event when a varbit or varplayer has changed.
VarClientIntChanged |
VarClientStrChanged |
VolumeChanged |
WallObjectDespawned |
WallObjectSpawned |
WidgetClosed |
Posted when an interface is about to be closed
WidgetLoaded |
An event where a Widget has been loaded.
WorldChanged |
Posted when the game world the client wants to connect to has changed.
WorldListLoad |
Event when the world list is loaded for the world switcher