Interface Mesh<T extends Mesh<T>>

    • Method Detail

      • getVerticesCount

        int getVerticesCount()
      • getVerticesX

        float[] getVerticesX()
      • getVerticesY

        float[] getVerticesY()
      • getVerticesZ

        float[] getVerticesZ()
      • getFaceCount

        int getFaceCount()
      • getFaceIndices1

        int[] getFaceIndices1()
      • getFaceIndices2

        int[] getFaceIndices2()
      • getFaceIndices3

        int[] getFaceIndices3()
      • getFaceTransparencies

        byte[] getFaceTransparencies()
      • getFaceTextures

        short[] getFaceTextures()
      • rotateY90Ccw

        T rotateY90Ccw()
        Rotates this model 90 degrees around the vertical axis. ModelData.cloneVertices() should be called before calling this method
      • rotateY180Ccw

        T rotateY180Ccw()
        Rotates this model 180 degrees around the vertical axis. ModelData.cloneVertices() should be called before calling this method
      • rotateY270Ccw

        T rotateY270Ccw()
        Rotates this model 270 degrees around the vertical axis. ModelData.cloneVertices() should be called before calling this method
      • translate

        T translate​(int x,
                    int y,
                    int z)
        Offsets this model by the passed amount (1/128ths of a tile). ModelData.cloneVertices() should be called before calling this method
      • scale

        T scale​(int x,
                int y,
                int z)
        Resizes this model by the passed amount (1/128ths). ModelData.cloneVertices() should be called before calling this method