Class RuneLiteObject

    • Constructor Detail

      • RuneLiteObject

        public RuneLiteObject​(Client client)
    • Method Detail

      • setAnimation

        public void setAnimation​(Animation animation)
        Sets the animation of the RuneLiteObject. If animation is null, the model will be static.
      • setAnimationController

        public void setAnimationController​(@Nullable
                                           AnimationController animationController)
        Sets the animation controller of the RuneLiteObject. If animationController is null, the model will be static.
      • setActive

        public void setActive​(boolean active)
        Sets the state of the RuneLiteObject. Set to true to spawn the object. Set to false to despawn the object.
      • isActive

        public boolean isActive()
        Gets the state of the RuneLiteObject
        true if the RuneLiteObject is added to the scene
      • tick

        public void tick​(int ticksSinceLastFrame)
        Called every frame the RuneLiteObject is registered and in the scene
        tick in class RuneLiteObjectController
        ticksSinceLastFrame - The number of client ticks since the last frame
      • getModel

        public Model getModel()
        Called every frame to get a model to render. The returned model is not modified and can be a shared model.
        Specified by:
        getModel in class RuneLiteObjectController
      • setFinished

        public void setFinished​(boolean finished)
        Use a custom AnimationController instead to despawn the object when it completes its animation.
      • getBaseModel

        public Model getBaseModel()
      • getAnimationController

        public AnimationController getAnimationController()
        The animation of the RuneLiteObject. If animation is null then the model will be static.
      • setPoseAnimationController

        public void setPoseAnimationController​(@Nullable
                                               AnimationController poseAnimationController)
        The optional pose animation of the RuneLiteObject. If animation is null then the model from animationController will be used.
      • getPoseAnimationController

        public AnimationController getPoseAnimationController()
        The optional pose animation of the RuneLiteObject. If animation is null then the model from animationController will be used.
      • getStartCycle

        public int getStartCycle()
      • setStartCycle

        public void setStartCycle​(int startCycle)